こんにちは! Hello!

開発責任者のTamaです。 My name is Tama.

グルテンフリーの食品開発歴10年  10 years of gluten-free food development experience

マレーシアでのオンラインデリバリーショップ開業2020年 Opening an Online Delivery Shop in Malaysia 2020

タイ バンコクにてオンラインデリバリーショップ開業2023年 Online delivery store opening in Bangkok, Thailand 2023








How I started my gluten-free bakery

My mother’s gluten intolerance was discovered when I entered the workforce.

My mother, who worked as the owner-chef, always had a smile on her face in front of customers, but she was hospitalized numerous times and suffered from constant unexplained health problems such as dizziness, vomiting, malnutrition, and migraine headaches.

After switching to a gluten-free diet, she became much better, but she could no longer eat the breads and sweets she loved so much, and she thought, “I want to make good bread. I wanted to make good bread for her.

I started to do what I could to help people who were suffering from the same problems as my mother and for children who have allergies and can’t eat many sweets.

All of my recipes were born from my desire to “make my family smile. I started to make these recipes with the idea of “making my family happy”.

I want to recreate the sweets I remember fondly from my childhood, to deliver soft and delicious breads, and to let more people know that gluten-free food is delicious! We continue to research every day so that more and more people will know that gluten-free bread is delicious!